Yosemite High Country

Over the last summer, I had the pleasure to go backpacking in Yosemite High Country. I went with my dad and some other family friends. It was about a 25 mile trip over six days.

Some mountains and canyons on the drive there.

To start the trip we parked at Tuolumne Meadows Visitor Center and hiked up the meadows. We turned off before Lyell Canyon and hiked up Tuolumne Pass. We ended up spending the night in the meadow and saw tons of wildlife like a herd of deer and some really neat rodents.

The second day of the trip we hiked up Tuolumne Pass and made camp at Evelyn lake. Evelyn lake was quite marshy and thus the mosquitos were particularly bad. Once we set up camp and got some mosquito nets on we ate and decided to take a short walk up the hill to see an icy glacier lake. The sunset cast a beautiful orange glow over the ridge and the mountain range.

After Evelyn lake we were supposed to hike to Bernice Lake. When we hiked up over Vogelsang pass we decided to pause and summit the peak. Unfortunately the climb was too rigorous to bring my camera. We did get a little lost on the way back down and decided to set up camp over the pass for the night. We were very grateful for the lack of mosquitos.

On the fourth day we hiked down from Vogelsang and into the valley and marsh. We had to take our shoes off quite a few times to wade through the water. Then we began the climb back up on the other side of Vogelsang. It was at least a few thousand feet and very strenuous. We were supposed to spend the night at Babcock Lake but I guess the sign got knocked down because we could not find it, so instead we set up camp somewhere off the trail between Babcock and Emeric Lake. We decided to camp farther away from water to avoid being assaulted by mosquitoes.

On the second to last day we decided to spend the morning checking out Emeric lake. We ended up climbing up a ridge we thought we could cross country only to find a steep cliff on the other side. Instead we decided to keep going on the trail to Boothe Lake where we spent our final night. The next morning we packed up and I was very grateful the way out was downhill. Leave a comment if you’ve been here or intend to! Or even if you like the photos!


A Little Reading in the Bath