How to Create the Blurred Text Effect in Photoshop

You’ve probably seen images like these on the internet or even someone’s wallpaper. Overall, its a pretty easy and simple effect to master but there are a few tips and tricks I will share with you to give it that extra pop. First, we start with some text. Sans Serif fonts usually work the best

The next step is to add the blur to the image. Go to filter > blur gallery > tilt shift. In this example I used a tilt shift blur with blur (113px) and distortion (57%) but you can use any combination of blur tools to create your desired effect.

The next optional step here is to add some grain for some additional texture. To do this create a 50% gray solid color. Then I added some noise by going to filter > noise > add noise. Then I set the layer to the soft light blend mode.

Then the next step that really makes these designs pop is to add some gradient layers. You can add any gradient layers you wish. Here are the set of variations I used.

The final touch here is to add some texture. You can do this by searching online for textures, I recommend scan textures. Once you have your desired texture add it to the image and crop it to fill the entire frame. Then set the blend mode to screen and turn down the opacity.

Congratulations! You have finished the design and are now ready to export!


How to Make A Gradient Blur PFP in Photoshop


How to Recreate the Blurred Punk Effect in Photoshop